Mon - Fri 9.00 am - to 06.00 pm.


Psychometric Tests

Psychometric TestsOn-line, Proctored &Off-line)
For Actionable Insights

Our comprehensive psychometric testing service has been carefully developed and designed to assess a person's and organization's competencies. Psychometric testing at STYRAX can help with everything from selection, development to diagnosis and analysis.

How can individuals know their personality traits, aptitude, preferences, ability, style, type etc. and organizations that of their employees and decide on most suitable options and the best match?

Psychometric tests give insight into individuals personality, type, style, working know themselves better and prospective employers to find the best match of individual to occupation and working environment. Individuals know themselves better and how they are in comparison to others. This helps them in taking right decisions at various junctions in life.Organizations get greater insight into their employee which helps them take right decision during selection, development, career progression and HR issues.

Our comprehensive psychometric testing service include:

Individual Tests: Personality- Types, Styles and Traits Test, Competency Based Tests, Aptitude Test, Team Role, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal skills, Attitude, Creativity, Conflict Resolution, Managerial and Leadership Inventories

Team Tests: Team Roles, Interpersonal Relations, Team Climate, Mentor- Mentee Pairing,

Organizational Test: Climate Survey, Diagnostic Survey, Creativity Test, HRD Survey, Need Pattern, Job Values and others

Selection Tests: Personality Trait Tests, Personality Type Tests, Sales Personality and BPO Personality Test.

Development of Psychometric Test: Customized Standardized Tests are developed along with validity, reliability, norms and interpretation

All our psychometric tests are standardized and scientifically developed following the rigorous process of item development, item analysis, statistical analysis, reliability, validity and normalization. We strictly follow the Guidelines of American psychological Associations and The British Psychological Society.Our psychometric are Objective, Standardized, Reliable, Valid, Predictive and Non-Discriminatory.

Online Tests

  • The Comprehensive Personality Trait Inventory (TCPTI)

Customised Test- Clients can pick up combination of traits they want to measure from The Comprehensive Personality Trait Inventory (TCPTI)

  • BPO Personality Inventory
  • Sales Personality Inventory
  • Team Skill Test
  • Need Pattern Scale
  • Job Values Scale
  • Interpersonal Compatibility

Test Development

Developing Psychometric tests for clients specific need.

Developed Aptitude Tests for National level selection of students for various exams

Developed Aptitude Test for State level selection

Expertise in Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, General Knowledge, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Hindi Grammar, English Grammar and much more. Have experience of 14 major national and state level aptitude test development.

Note: Can develop all kinds of selection tests across levels and functions.

International & National Test

Individual Type: Personality Styles ( MBTI) and Traits Test ( 16 PF, Gordon Personal Profile), Competency Based Tests, Aptitude Test, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal skills, Attitude, Creativity, Conflict Resolution, Managerial, Leadership Inventories, Learning Style, Problem Solving, Locus of Control, Occupational skill, Interest Inventory and many more

Team Type: Team Roles (TRAQ), Interpersonal Relations ( FIRO- B), Team Climate, Mentor- Mentee Pairing and many more

Organizational Type: Climate Survey, Diagnostic Survey, Creativity Test, HRD Survey, Need Pattern, Job Values and others